The Origin

Naturally a Pessimist, there's a slight feeling of Optimism when I am working on my art. Drawing while; and enhanced with listening to my favorite music, my world dissappears. There's just me and my picture. It happens without realizing it. Everything that makes me the way I am, the way I can't help, all the negative that makes me as Pessimistic as I am, goes away.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Captain Jack Sparrow

Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please Sir. Much more better! It is a drawring... This was soooooo much fun!! This took a few hours, done at around the hours of 12:00 midnight and so on.. to 1:30ish in the morning. With a few finishing touches the next day. I love the movies, and I cannot wait for the 4th!! Why IS the rum always gone? ...... Oh. That's why.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Maine

John O'Gallaghan. I'm pretty sure that is how his name is spelled... lead singer from The Maine

I was lazy and didn't want to draw something facing straight, so this was a lot of fun

Whoa! They're Purple!!

Josh, otherwise known as thecomputernerd01. It was tons of fun to put together:)
Let's punch captain crunch!